Thursday, October 27, 2005

I Also Have An Opinion - Part 1

So first let me welcome you to the very first posting of my very first blog. Congratulations, I can't believe you've found it. But it's not enough that you found the blog, that was the easy part, the hard part is keeping you here. With a vast world of cynical postings, snarky celebrity bashing, and incredible amounts of porn at your finger tips you have chosen me. For this I promise not only to be the MOST cynical, the MOST snarky, and the MOST pornographic, but to also be your friend.

Why a blog and why today, Thursday 10/27/05, to start one? Here’s why, on the subway today a smelly homeless man said to me "a man is not a man unless a man has a blog" and I am a man damn it! The other side of that coin is “a blog is not a blog unless a blog has you, the informed reader.” In all seriousness I started my blog today because I have an opinion too and I’m not happy sharing it with only my friends and family. I’m an important man with big ideas that need to reach the masses. I’m a college graduate with a 3.0 GPA and I should be using this knowledge to affect the world. But since I’m not on the “A-list” just because I “have no money” or “fame” my opinions just annoy those around me and not the country as a whole. That is until now.

So to quickly summarize this blog's christening 1) Cynicism lives in this space, snarkiness pays the mortgage, they're building equity together. 2) Blogs make you a man I am now a man. 3) This doesn’t happen without you, so give yourself a pat on the back and please come back for more.



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